An Alternative to Rising Up the Spine from Anus — The Lumbar-sacrum Point ApproachErecting the spine from anus is unilaterally upward; the lumbar-sacrum point expands it both upward and downward and thus is bilateral.Apr 23, 2021Apr 23, 2021
Taichi Punch vs Wing Chun Punch(Continued from the last post Qi — Wing Chun vs Taichi.)Mar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
Qi — Wing Chun vs TaichiWhile the phenomenon looks similar, Qi’s operation in Taichi and Wing Chun differs vastly — one muscular-twisting, one skeletally-directed.Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
Qi — Breathing and The Feeling of QiSinking breath helps body mass articulation at Dan Tien; the mind acts to turn a relaxed body into a vehicle for proactive Qi operation.Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021
How to Harness the Weight of the Wing Chun Pole? — Work Like a Chinese-style Balance Weighing ScaleTo use a weapon, it is paramount to make it a natural extension of yourself, but not to struggle with it (its shape and weight).Nov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020
Jackscrew at Elbow, Transmitting Shoulder’s “Tead” Power to the PoleThe more you force the elbow onto the weapon held at hand, the less of your bodily power can be transmitted.Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020
The First Two Drills for Pole Training — Only Joint RotatingWing Chun manoeuvres the pole not by lifting, pressing, pushing or pulling in one shot, but by joint rotating that decomposes that one…Sep 23, 2020Sep 23, 2020
Circling Palm – An Effective Gateway to Sticky Wrap-holding a WeaponFlap your palm-fingers as a flipper in circling palm practice to turn your hand into a sticky surface for wrap-holding a weapon.Aug 19, 2020Aug 19, 2020
Adhesively Wrap-hold a Weapon — Hold It StickyWhat is the first thing to address for training on weapons? I would like to introduce one Wing Chun-ised pre-preparatory drill.Jul 28, 2020Jul 28, 2020
Paradigm Shift: From 2-dimensional Direction Dichotomies to 3-dimensional Angular DegreesTo attain the level of internal martial arts, paradigm shift is mandatory. And it is equally true in life pursuing the good.Mar 26, 2020Mar 26, 2020